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during distanced learning is currently available for all children during ESF term time. Priority will be given to single parents and cases where both parents are working.



Who is eligible for distanced learning childcare?

In accordance with state guidance, we strongly recommend that parents keep children at home wherever possible. In cases where this is not possible, all parents are eligible to apply for childcare during distanced learning, though we are unable to guarantee all parents places. With places limited, places will be allocated according to the specific criteria. Places are first offered to single parents and to households with both parents working and one belonging to the specific professional groups e.g. health sector, teachers and parents performing business critical tasks. If you meet this criteria, please include this in the comments field in your application. Remaining places will then be offered to parents who do not meet the above criteria. 


You can find the list of specific professional groups here

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In order to register for our services make sure to become an ESF PA member.

With the generous support of the ECB, this service is provided without charge to parents.



Daily hours

We offer two different time slots for child care during distance learning.


 8.00 am - 4.00 pm                     4.00 pm - 6.00 pm

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